The present human beings known as MAN and WOMAN have forgotten that at one point of time they were YOGESHWAR – the one who remains in Yog while working and remember the God in right perspective and attain the deity kingdom and rule as SRI LAKSHMI and SRI NARAYAN.  Today the human beings have forgotten their past as YOGESHWAR because for the past 2500 years they have entered the Dwapar Yug (Copper Age) and started doing bhakti and thus have become BHOGESHWAR – the one who does the karma and eat the fruit (Bhogna) of their good or bad karma. Today the whole world can be termed as BHOGESHWAR because whatever they do bear the fruit of their sins and charity. However, during the Dwapar Yug and Kaliyug they have a down fall in character and they seek the help of God every now and then as they suffer in pain and sorrow and search for peace.

The present human beings are also unaware of the present yug that we pass through which is known as SANGAM YUG (Confluencing Age) which is a period between Kaliyug (old iron age) and Satyug (new golden age).
This Sangam yug is most precious yug because during this yug we human souls get to meet our Spiritual Godfather SHIV who comes on earth to give His own knowledge known as the SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE OR ISHWARIYA GYAN and by studying this knowledge they attain the deity kingdom and attain the designation of SRI LAKSHMI AND SRI NARAYAN. This spiritual knowledge is very vast in the form of Murli and it beings at the end of Kaliyug and has been continuing since 1937 and is said to continue for one hundred years.  This Sangam Yug is also known as KALYANKARI YUG (BENEFICIAL YUG) because we get to meet our spiritual Godfather Shiv and we get to study the spiritual knowledge. We also get to clean our past sins and we get to earn the merit list and the prize of this study is the entry to the Satyug (Golden Age). Therefore, this Sangam Yug can be said to be the most luckiest and powerful of all yug because Godfather Shiv is there to protect us.In Satyug it is the prize that we get to relish peace for 2500 years i.e. in Satyug (1250 years) as Suryavanshi (Golden Age) and in Tretayug (1250 years) as Chandravanshi (Silver Age).  This period of 2500 years is not known to human beings because they live in the form of deity and in Dwapar they make statue (idol) of deities (themselves) and start worshiping their own idol and start treating themselves as normal human beings because from Dwapra yug (1250 years) as Vaisyavanshi (Copper Age) they keep coming down the ladder birth after birth and ultimately land up in Kaliyug (Iron Age) understood to be Shudravanshi because there is a drastic fall in the character of the human beings because they are in the captivity of vices (Raavan) and thus suffer pain and sorrow.  However, during Sangam Yug Godfather Shiv has to come by listening to the crying of the children, asking for mercy and asking God to liberate them from the curse of Raavan.

Therefore, the present human beings are considered to be as BHOGESHWAR because the fruit of the karma is given instantly. The moment we think and do any karma, we get the fruit right there and thus it comes in the form of accident, disease, sickness or any problem on the family members and even death in many cases. However, all this is based on karma of present time as well as of the past. Therefure, unless we undergo the spiritual study being given by GODFATHER SHIV, it is not possible to understand the depth of karma philosophy and it is not possible to understand PARMATMA (Supreme Soul) unless we have understood ourselves as ATMA (Soul). Secondly when we undergo the spiritual study we get to know what is GYAN (Knowledge) being given by God and what is GYANESHWAR (children of Godfather Shiv who undertake the spiritual study).  Those who are unable to understand the knowledge or come under the influence of Raavan or vices, we do not get to understand God or the knowledge and thus remain normal human beings and thus are termed as BHOGESHWAR as mentioned in today’s Murli.

Godfather Shiv says through Brahma that there are lakhs of temples of MAA JAGAMBA and many fairs (MELA) are organised. Those who study this spiritual knowledge are the children of MAA JAGDAMBA who are known as GYAN-GYANESHWARI and then will become RAJ-RAJESHWARI. You become very rich knowledge-wise as well as money-wise then later on in bhakti marg you ask for money from MAA LAKSHMI during Diwali. In Satyug and Tretayug you get everything, you attain age of 150, you become AYUSHWAN, PUTRAVAN etc.  Godfather Shiv says the more you are in YOG the more you attain long life. You become YOGESHWAR when you are in yog (remembrance) of Godfather Shiv.  The humans are known as BHOGESHWAR because they are Bhogi (the one who has forgotten Godfather Shiv). Hence they experience pain and sorrow. Godfather Shiv says then I have to come to clean this dirty world.

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